Bookeye® Microfly


Microfly ® is an automatic microfiche carrier, which can be controlled by scanning software or directly from a PC.

Microfiche is one of the most successful media for the conservation of information. With a wide range of readers, reader/printers and scanners for microfiche, the retrieval of information on microfiches is throughout limited to manual operation, the transfer of information on microfiches to paper printouts and digital formats is a time-consuming and labour-intensive process.

Microfly ® is easy to assemble. The existing fiche carrier is simply replaced. The carrier is compatible with all the named microfilm scanners and reader / printers. Power is supplied by a separate power supply unit.

BCS-2 Capturing Software's grid definition and Microfly® Carrier Control functions allow the precise positioning of the carrier according to the fiche's frame coordinates without the need of manual operation.




Directly via COM-port

Speed (without scanning)

* The throughput actually achieved depends on the scanner model used.



Accessories and Options


Electrical Specification


CE certified