Cost Effective Entry Level Book Scanner ModelWithout being loaded with a lot of costly, unnecessary "features", the Bookeye 4 V2 is still a full-fledged book scanner or book copier, ready for use anywhere where grayscale is enough. Equipped with a standard scanning application, Bookeye 4 V2 scans documents, such as magazines, files, folders, bound documents, contracts, and accounting ledgers at a resolution of 400 dpi at high speeds. The clearly structured menus on the touchscreen guide the user intuitively
through the operation of the scanner. Scanned images can be stored directly
on the device to a USB flash drive or sent via eMail. Uploads to an FTP
server, printing to any network or connected printer and saving the images
to network drives are also standard Bookeye 4 V2 functions. Optional GrowthIf scanner requirements become more demanding over time, the Bookeye 4 V2 can be quickly and easily upgraded. This protects your investment while allowing you to add functionality, like software options or interfacing with BatchScanWizard or other capturing clients. In the Functions & Features section, you can see a graphic representation of the growth path. Bookeye® 4 V2 Functions Grayscale overhead scanner for formats up to A2+ Bookeye® 4 V2 Features LED lamps, no warm up, IR/UV free Bookeye® 4 V2 Options Foot Switch Hardware option for batch scanning Bookeye® 4 V2 Markets & ApplicationsThe Bookeye 4 V2 book scanner is a valuable device for the following
markets and applications. This list is neither complete nor exclusive,
there are more markets and applications than listed and it should be taken
only as a general guideline. If you have a specific application that is
not listed here, please check with your sales representative. Bookeye® 4 V2 Markets Libraries Bookeye® 4 V2 Applications Scanning newspapers, periodicals, catalogs and magazines
Könnyû szkennelni vele történelem
könyveket, újságokat és hetilapokat, katalógusokat
és magazinokat. Közvetlenül lehet szkennelni az irattárak anyagaiból anélkül, hogy az eredeti példányokat el kellene szállítani. Egyszerûen szkennelhetõk az összetûzött dokumentumok is, mint például a szerzõdések, a számlák, stb. A térképek és tervrajzok elhasználódás nélkül szkennelhetõk. Olyan dokumentumok is szkennelhetõk, amely vegyesen tartalmaz fényképeket és szöveget. |